The Databases Course

Exercise No. 8

More Design Theory

Due on January 15th by midnight


  1. Let R = <S,F> , S = {A,B,C,D} and F = { AB ® C , A ® D , BD ® C }.
  1. Find a non-redundant cover of F.
  2. Give a 3NF, dependency preserving (with respect to F) decomposition of S into only two schemes.
  3. What are the projected dependencies for each of your schemes?
  4. Does your answer to (b) have a lossless join? If not, how could you modify the database scheme to have a lossless join and still preserve dependencies?
  1. Let R = <S,F> , S = {A,B,C,D} and F = { A ® B , B ® C , A ® D , D ® C }.
    Let p be the decomposition { AB, AC, BD }.
  1. Find the projected dependencies for each of the relation schemes of p.
  2. Does p preserve the given dependencies?
  3. Does p have a lossless join with respect to the given dependencies?
  1. You are given a relation scheme S = { A1, ..., An } and a set of functional dependencies F. Write an algorithm which computes a simple key of R = <S,F>. Your algorithm should be as simple and as efficient as possible. What is the running time of your algorithm?
  1. The algorithm that was taught in class and checks whether a given decomposition has a lossless join, includes the clause "if Vij = bij and Vmj = bmj then Vij = Vmj" - that is, copy 'bij' and not only 'ai' between lines while trying to build a full line of 'ai'. Prove that this clause is necessary, but giving an example scheme and decomposition that demonstrate this point.
  1. For each of the following statements, prove that it's true or give a counter example to show that it isn't:
  1. X ® Y |- X ®® Y
  2. X ®® Y |- X ®® (S - XY)
  3. X ®® Y , Y ®® Z |- X ®® Z