Technical Help
Technical Help
In this course you are required to use the popular Eclipse platform for the practical exercises. Eclipse is a kind of universal tool platform - an open extensible IDE for anything and nothing in particular. Specifically we use it's abilities as IDE for Java and for C/C++, as well as several plugins to experiment with UML, profiling and static analysis. Eclipse is installed on the Linux of the CS labs, and you can install it at home free of charge. The version we use is 3.1.2.

Download and Installation Instructions:

  • Start by downloading and installing the Java JDK 5.0. This is the Java version in which you should code and submit the practical exercises.
  • Download and install Eclipse 3.1.2 for Windows or for other platforms. Under Windows, it's recommended to install in the same drive as your \Windows directory, and in the directory \eclipse.
  • JUnit and Ant are installed with Eclipse, and need not be downloaded separately.
  • We use Omondo's free UML tool to create UML diagrams. Download this JAR file and run it to install the plugins. Note that also installs the EMF, GEF and UML2 Eclipse plugins.
  • Download checkstyle (a static analysis tool) and checkclipse (a plugin that integrates it into Eclipse) from SourceForge. Install both by copying the contents of the two zip files into the 'plugins' and 'features' directories under the '\eclipse' directory.
  • We will use the Eclipse Test & Performance Tools Platform (TPTP) project for profiling. Download this file and copy its contents to the 'plugins' and 'features' directory under '\eclipse'.
  • In the first time to start Eclipse after installing a new plugin, start it from the command line with the command 'eclipse -clean'. This is required to let Eclipse know to rebuild its configuration.

In Eclipse, when creating a new Java project, remember to set the JDK Compliance to be 5.0 (this is not the default). You should be able to create new UML diagrams by clicking 'New... -> Other -> UML Diagrams' and then the desired diagram type. Profiling can be configured by right-clicking the Java source file that contains the main() method, and selecting 'Profile As...'. Checkstyle can be activated by entering the project properties dialog box, checking the 'Enable Checkstyle' checkbox in the 'Checkclipse' tab, and checking the 'Checkstyle active for this project' checkbox in the 'Checkstyle' tab.

An ant file can be created by clicking 'New... -> Other -> Simple -> File' and naming the file 'build.xml'. Open the file in the editor, and let Eclipse help you automatically by providing a default build file and offering auto-complete options for ant tasks. To run an ant file, select it in the navigator, and then from the 'Run' menu select 'External Tools -> Run As -> Ant Build'. You can also open an ant view (Window -> Show View -> Ant), from which you can run specific targets directly.


C/C++ Development
The CDT project develops Eclipse as a C/C++ development platform. If you would like to use it, follow the installation instructions which explain how to download and install the tool from within Eclipse.
CPPUnit is a C++ unit testing framework, and is another recommended download.


AspectWerkz is an AOP framework for Java. There is plenty of information in their website, so pay it a visit. AspectWerkz is installed at the university at ~ood/aspectwerkz. In order to work with it correctly add the following to your ~/.classpath file:
setenv ASPECTWERKZ_HOME /cs/course/current/ood/aspectwerkz